STRAT ID GIC Protects you and everyone you send, store and create your information with living in this digital world.

Hide Your Identity

Permanently hide your identity, how you pay and get paid and the identities and payment details of everyone you communicate and conduct your business.


Prove who you and your contacts are before any information of value is exchanged or connections between you are established with our patent pending reciprocal authentication technology.

Remote Control

Permanently put remote control in your hands with our reciprocal authentication as it makes time your weapon against attackers.

Superior Quantum Resistant Protections

Provides superior quantum resistant protections for everything you send and store with our patent pending version of deploying symmetric encryption.

STRAT ID GIC helps you stay Safe

STRAT ID GIC’s deploys a different security strategy.

Our first patent removes your identity and payment details from the data we send and store never putting it at risk by issuing a one time used token instead.

Powerfull Encryption

The encryption strategy works by hiding everything sent and stored using complex math until decryption technologies catch up simplifying that math revealing everything once hide.

We hide your identity

Permanently hide your identity, how you pay and get paid and the identities and payment details of everyone you communicate and conduct your business.

Special For Multiple Use Capabilities

Our tech does is permanently protect everyone's ID and payment details, provide quantum resistant symmetric encryption protections for all the data we send and store.
What The Problem

The asymmetric encryption that protects your transactions, communications and the resulting stored data now will fail when quantum computers mature in the next five to ten years.

All the asymmetrically encrypted data from a lifetime of business and government interactions is at risk from this quantum decryption event. Any stores of your information relying on symmetric encryption and hashes keyed at or below 128 characters are also vulnerable.

What is the US Government Response?

The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) is evaluating new forms of quantum resistant encryption to provide a temporary fix for this decryption problem. They could present several options for us to choose from by the first quarter of 2022. The last decryption event of this kind was in the 70's and it took almost 20 years to upgrade everything. We have a lot more data now, less time to get it done, and the costs of being too late is not acceptable.

The Government Encryption Solution

The encryption strategy works by hiding everything sent and stored using complex math until decryption technologies catch up simplifying that math revealing everything once hid. All forms of encryption are temporary and that can mean 5 months, 5 years or 50 years it is like any math problem. It is unsolved until the moment it is solved.

In the past as decryption tech caught up the quick fix going forward was to increase the size of the encryption keys and re-encrypt all your old data to stay ahead of the problem. The re-encryption strategy only works as long as no one has already copied your old data. Quantum computers are expected to make the increasing key size fix unworkable for asymmetric encryption and force symmetric key and hash sizes above 128 characters to become quantum resistant. (See why symmetric encryption alone is not a solution.)

The STRAT ID GIC Solutions

1 STRAT ID GIC’s deploys a different security strategy. Our first patent removes your identity and payment details from the data we send and store never putting it at risk by issuing a one time used token instead. STRAT ID GIC is the only permanent security solution for identity and payment details to the decryption problem, but our first patent did not protect any of the other data sent and stored. Our patent pending tech covers that problem.

2 The technology we submitted for patent protection 12/30/2020 provides reciprocal authentication solutions for both simple IOT devices and complex bidirectional devices. (See the post quantum remote control problem.) Reciprocal authentication mathematically proves the identity of the sender, to our server. Then our tech proves the identity of our server to the sender. Once reciprocally authenticated the exchange of valuable information or the establishment of a connection with a similarly authenticated party is permitted. (See the authentication limits of asymmetric encryption.) No form of encryption is required in this process and no form of decryption can disrupt it. This technology constitutes a permanently secure method of reciprocal authentication for as long secrets remain secret.

3 STRAT ID GIC'S second patent pending technology provides our own method of deploying NIST level quantum resistant symmetric encryption. It provides temporary protections to all the data STRAT ID GIC sends and stores. (See our version of symmetric encryption)

The STRAT ID GIC and NIST differences

The STRAT ID GIC and NIST differences

STRAT ID GIC permanently secures identity and payment details and NIST can not. STRAT ID GIC provides for reciprocal authentication of the parties involved in our transmission processes and NIST does not. STRAT ID GIC generates above NIST level quantum resistant encryption protections that can quickly adapt to today's digital infrastructure and respond to future advances in decryption technologies.

The NIST alternatives ability to adapt to our current digital infrastructure or respond to future advances in decryption technology is not known at this time. (See the STRAT ID GIC NIST cost / timing differences)

Our Services

Our Core Services

STRAT ID GIC will develop the public sector applications of our technologies and has licensed to HIDDIN, INC. the development of any private sector applications.

Data Security

Our de-identification technologies remove identity and contact information from the data we generate making combining traditional sources.

Remote Control Solution

Our ability to establish and maintain remote control. It is our position that it will be impossible for some attacking force to first decipher our processes

IT & Cloud Managment

Our buyers are in control of the purchasing process and through our agreement with them they have communal ownership rights in their own.